Pro Ingest Metrics
Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over a week ago

Pro Ingest Metrics allows you to see the connected state, bit rate and delivery health of all your pro ingest over the last hour.


We support the below 6 metrics:

  • Connected - Shows 1 when the source was connected and 0 when disconnected

  • Bit rate - The average bit rate of the incoming stream in bits per second

  • Round trip time - The average round trip time in milliseconds between the source and Pro Ingest

  • Dropped packets - The total number of dropped packets per data point, before error correction

  • Packet loss percentage - The average percentage of dropped packets per data point, before error correction

  • Unrecovered packets - The total number of dropped packets per data point, after error correction

📕 Note: All 6 metrics have 1-minute granularity, and will be updated around 2 minutes behind live. All the graphs feature live updating, if you leave them open you'll see the time display updating every minute and new data added.

💡 Tip: If you put the mouse over any of the graphs we'll show you the exact value for that metric at that time for all selected ingests, we'll also display this overlay on all the other visible graphs perfectly synchronised to the same time.

How to view the Pro Ingest Metrics


  2. Navigate to PRO under INGEST TYPE

  3. Select the ingest/s of your choice and hit METRICS

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