Guest Intercom
Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over a week ago

Guest Intercom allows for crew members and commentators to coordinate and communicate within Producer using audio-only. Guest (for talents) and Guest Intercom users can talk between them but they serve different purposes.

Adding a Guest Intercom user

  1. Select ADD SOURCE on the right-hand side of the LAYERS.



  4. Click on the ADD SOURCE button in red

  5. Select SHARE THE STREAM with your guest

  6. Copy the GUEST INTERCOM INVITE LINK and send it to your Guest

  7. Once the Guest Intercom clicks on START STREAMING the source will appear in the chosen layer.

💡 Tip: Unlike Guest (for talents), Guest Intercom are audio-only sources, Intercom users will not be able to share their cameras and do not count towards your Producer’s live source limit, this allows for expanded collaboration without impacting your Production.

Talkback Mode

Talkback mode gives the user control over how they hear the incoming audio:

  • Mixed: Everything is heard as it's sent. Program return, other Guests and crew members are all mixed together.

  • Split: The audio coming to the user can be split so that the user hears the program return and other Guests on one of the stereo channels (left or right) and talkback (Guest Intercom users) on the other stereo channel.

Guest App for Intercom users

Intercom users will have two options after login into the app:

  • Talk to Guests: for talking to your talents.

  • Talk to Crew: for talking to other Intercom users only.

Tip: Each button can operate as Push-To-Talk, where users press and hold to be heard by other users. Releasing the button will stop the audio from being sent. Double-clicking the button enables the hold function, allowing the user to communicate without holding the button pressed.

Lazy Mic / Talkback for Producer Guests (Talents)

  1. Go to ADD SOURCE

  2. Select GUEST SOURCE

  3. Invite the Guest and ensure ALLOW OUTGOING LAZY TALKBACK is ON

  4. Hit ADD SOURCE to finish

💡Tip: When this option is enabled, a new button for lazy talkback will appear in the bottom right corner of the Guest interface. This is a push-to-talk button, while the user is holding it down their audio will still be heard by any Guest Intercom users that their source is shared with but will not be sent out on air.

📕 Note: The option to enable Talkback for Guests (talents) is under the existing Guest settings when creating or editing a Guest source.

📕 Note: Bluetooth only supports two channels (Left and Right) so talkback mode is incompatible with Bluetooth headsets when these are used for both speaking and listening. We recommend wired headsets for Guests as these can support three channels (one more for the mic signal). Alternatively, using a separate microphone and headphones can also overcome this Bluetooth limitation.

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