YouTube Shorts
Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over a week ago

Users can now publish YouTube Shorts from Grabyo by selecting a vertical or square video and ensuring it is under 60 seconds. YouTube will then promptly feature it in the short-form section of its website.

Creating a YouTube Short


  2. Ensure the clip is under 60 seconds

  3. Fill out the form and SAVE AND SHARE it on YouTube

  4. Navigate to YouTube > Your Channel > SHORTS

📕 Note: YouTube does not provide the option to enable or disable this feature, and all videos that meet the requirements for shorts will be automatically labelled as such. Nonetheless, these videos can still be accessed through the regular YouTube player. If you access a video from the shared sidebar in the Grabyo Campaign, the link will direct you to the default YouTube player instead of the new shorts section.

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