YouTube Content ID
Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over a week ago

YouTube Content ID allows you to identify and manage your content. Copyright owners can take the following actions on material that match their Content ID.

  • Block a video from being viewed

  • Monetize the video by running ads against it

  • Track the video's statistics

  • Geo-block content to specific countries

Prerequisites: Before enabling Content ID API

  1. Ensure the account is part of the YouTube Partner Program

  2. Ensure the user is a manager of the Brand Account

  3. Ensure the user is also a manager on the Content Manager account

  4. Ensure the Brand Account has been invited and linked with the Content Manager account

Adding a YouTube account with a Content ID policy

  1. Select your USER icon in the top right-hand corner of the page

  2. Select SOCIAL ACCOUNTS from the drop-down menu

  3. Select ADD ACCOUNT

  4. Select YOUTUBE from the menu

Linking the main Youtube channel (Brand account) to Grabyo:

  1. Enter your Google login credentials (if not already logged in)

  2. Select your BRAND ACCOUNT from the list of accounts you have access to.
    Note: This is the Youtube account you wish to publish videos to.

  3. Select ALLOW to grant Grabyo permissions

Linking the Youtube Content Owner / ID (User account) to Grabyo:


  2. Enter your Google login credentials (if not already logged in)

  3. Select your USER ACCOUNT from the list of accounts you have access to.
    Note: This is the Google account where you are a manager of the Youtube Content Owner Account.

  4. Select ALLOW to grant Grabyo permissions

📕 Note: The settings in your Content ID policy will override any geo-targeting setting configured in your Grabyo campaign.

Sharing a video with Content ID

  1. Select LIVE CLIPPING on the stream that you want to clip from

  2. Select a CAMPAIGN from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the page

  3. Set the IN and OUT points of your content

  4. Select a CAMPAIGN and add a SOCIAL MESSAGE

  5. Select your YOUTUBE ACCOUNT and select SAVE AND SHARE


  7. Select a CATEGORY and PRIVACY

  8. Add a PLAYLIST and any TAGS

  9. Select your CONTENT OWNER and POLICY

  10. Select SHARE TO YOUTUBE to save

📕 Note: If no policy is specified the default policy will be applied. This is configured from your Content Manager account.

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