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Key Bindings
Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over 9 months ago

Key bindings allow you to customise your keyboard and device shortcuts when using Producer. Key bindings are fully customisable and ideal for optimizing your live production workflows. Some of the key features are:

  • Create action, source, and position-specific key bindings

  • Create key bindings for Control Room, Replay, Audio Mixer, and Media Player actions

  • Create key binding integrations with external devices

  • Create organisation and device-specific key binding profiles

How to create Key Bindings

  1. Navigate to the PREFERENCES > KEY BINDINGS

  2. Find your connected device

  3. ADD PROFILE / DUPLICATE or DELETE an existing one


  5. Select transition by either SPECIFIC TRANSITION or TAG


  7. Hit SAVE to create the key binding

Multi-action bindings

Multi-action key bindings allow you to perform a sequence of up to 15 actions with a single input from your keyboard or hardware device. This could be anything – bring a replay on air with a wipe transition, while taking the current camera off air, then replace graphics.

📕 Note: Actions in the action list can be deleted and duplicated using the context menu and can be re-ordered by dragging the handle on the left-hand side of the action.
The action list defines the order that actions will be executed, the action at the top of the list will be executed first and each subsequent action will be executed after the one before it.



In order to create Key Bindings you will need to create a profile to assign the key bindings to. Profiles are shared across the organisation and need to be set to ‘Active’ before they can be used.

Only one profile can be active on a device at the same.

The Producer's default profile cannot be deleted but can be duplicated and customised.


By default, the only device you have access to is the keyboard. In order to connect a device you will need to grant permissions or manually pair the device in your browser.

Key Trigger

The trigger allows you to assign a key to your binding, once saved, whenever this key is pressed the actions and parameters you assign will be used.


Actions define what you want your key binding to do in Producer. You can select an action from the dropdown menu to assign it, once an action has been assigned you will then see its available Parameters appear.


Parameters are action-specific options that allow you to define the behaviour of your Key Bindings. The action you assign will dictate the parameters that are available to you.


The purpose of the description is to provide you with more context of the Key Binding that has been created.

💡 Tip: A Key Binding cannot be the same as an existing keybinding in your active profile and cannot be a modifier key (Mac: Shift, Control, Option, Command & Windows: Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Windows key). You can however use modifier keys as part of your Key Binding.

📕 Note: Key detection is based on the physical location of the key, not the writing on it.
(e.g. if you map an action to ‘Q' and then switch to a foreign language keyboard it will not trigger when you press the letter ‘Q' but rather when the key is in the same physical location as 'Q' on the original keyboard is pressed.

📕 Note: Browser shortcuts take precedence over Key Bindings. For example in Chrome, you will not be able to assign a keybinding to COMMAND + T as this is an existing Chrome browser shortcut. You can find a list of browser shortcuts here.

List of existing actions

Control Room


Media Player

Take live



Switch source

Jump to in point


Set display preset

Jump to out point

Toggle play/pause

Blank Layer

Mark in

Select next item

Blank active Layer

Mark out

Select previous item

Select layer above


Set playback speed

Select layer below


Select source right

Toggle play/pause

Select source left

Toggle scrub/jog

Select source at position

Cycle selected Media Player



Key Binding Search

You can search for a specific Key Binding from the Key Binging profile window, there are two search methods:

  • Text Search: It will find text associated with a key binding; description, parameter, and action but not the name of the key.

  • Key Search: It allows you to press a key or key combination to find a specific key binding.

Download Key Bindings as CSV

You can export your key bindings in text form for easy external referencing

  1. Navigate to the PREFERENCES > KEY BINDINGS

  2. Find the profile you want to export

  3. Click on the three-dot icon to open the context menu

  4. Click "Download as CSV"

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