ISO (isolated) Recording allows you to record a single isolated source/camera rather than a mixed output.
With ISO Recording you can now create post-production promos, highlights reels and more in-depth coverage of some of the content that didn't make it onto the live broadcast.
ISO Recording supported source types in Producer:
Live Streams pulled directly into Producer (HLS, RTMP pull, SRT caller)
Live Streams sent to us via standard ingests (RTMP)
Live Streams sent to us via Pro Ingest (SRT, Zixi, RIST, RTP)
Guest Sources
ISO Recording VODs limit:
A recording will be stored for 7 days (after which it will expire and be deleted)
The maximum length of a recording is 24 hours (if the producer is running for longer than 24 hours the recording will be split into multiple 24-hour recordings)
How to use ISO Recording
Select the RECORDING tab in the Producer side panel
Navigate to SOURCE
Ensure you have AUTO ISO RECORD on or manually toggle on/off specific sources
Navigate to RECORDINGS to view while in progress or from the past recordings
💡Tip: You can access ISO Recordings from the home page if you don't need to turn on your on-demand Producer. You can find it under the burger menu on each producer instance.