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Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over 5 months ago

An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed is an online file that contains details about every piece of content a site has published. Each time a site publishes a new piece of content, details about that content are automatically generated in the file.

Grabyo has its own MRSS feed URL. That is behind an Amazon CloudFront CDN with a 1-minute cache configured and a route53 origin.

💡 Tip: Grabyo MRSS feeds will show all public assets in a campaign that has been created within the last 48 hours with a maximum of 50 assets returned. This is based on the creation date and not the time it was shared with the public gallery, therefore, if you share an old asset with the public gallery it will not appear on your MRSS feed.


The URL will contain an MRSS feed.

<rss xmlns:media="" version="2.0">
		<title>Grabyo MRSS Feed Provider</title>
		<description>MRSS Feed for {name of Campaign}</description>
			<title>{video title}</title>
			<description>{video description}<description/>
			<pubDate>{video creation date}</pubDate>
			<guid isPermaLink="false">{video ID}</guid>
<media:keywords>{list of tags}</media:keywords>
<media:content medium="video" duration="{video duration in seconds}" fileSize="video file size in kb" url="{link to video file}"> <media:thumbnail url="{link to thumbnail file}"/> </media:content> </item> </channel> </rss>

📕 Note: To add an MRSS feed, navigate to the Trimmer/Editor and select it as the credential for exporting content. Alternatively, you can export by going to the campaign, selecting the clip you wish to export, and toggling on the "Add to RSS Feed" button.

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