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Clip-specific overview
Clip-specific overview
Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over a week ago

Most popular & most recent content

The right-hand panel of your dashboard shows the most viewed and most recently created content from within your specified time period. Click on a video thumbnail in this sidebar for a more detailed view of the individual clip.

For an individual clip, you can see the views, impressions, conversion rate, views by source and engagements on social platforms.

Facebook video metrics

Select the Facebook tab to view your Facebook-specific clip metrics. Your modal will update to now show your Facebook impressions, views and engagements.


Organic: The number of times your posts were seen in your News Feed or on visits to your page.

Paid: The number of impressions of your Page posts in an ad or sponsored Story.

Viral: The number of times users saw your posts via stories published by their friends.

Non-viral: The number of times users saw your posts, which doesn't include when someone's friend engages with the posts.


Organic: Total number of times page videos have been viewed for more than three seconds by organic reach.

Paid: Total number of times a page's promoted videos have been viewed for more than three seconds.

Unique: Total number of times page videos have been played for unique people for more than three seconds.

Repeat: Total number of times that people replay a page's videos for more than three seconds.

📕 Note: For further information on the Facebook Video metrics please click here.

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