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Sharing to Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
Sharing to Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
Yoanna Hristova avatar
Written by Yoanna Hristova
Updated over 12 months ago

This integration enables users to add their own Google Cloud Storage as a share-destination and can be added via the social accounts page.

Google Cloud Storage combines the performance and scalability of Google's cloud with advanced security and sharing capabilities.

How to add an integration


  2. Enter BUCKET NAME



Integration Name - The display name for the integration.
Bucket Name - The name of the bucket in Google Cloud Storage. This can be found in the list of buckets in your GCS account.
Service Account Credential - The service credential for the account. Details on how to create this can be found here.

Test Connection - A credential can only be added after you have finished inputting your details into the form and have pressed the Test Connection button at the bottom. The testing connection will upload a grabyo-test-connection file to the root of the users' bucket to ensure end-to-end functionality. If the test passes you will be able to press Submit and create the credential.

Sharing to GCS

  1. Enter a FILE NAME

  2. Check the relevant checkbox for the ASSETS TO UPLOAD ( THUMBNAIL, METADATA JSON, METADATA XML, CC WEBVTT or CC SRT)

  3. Enter UPLOAD PATH


File Name - This is the filename used when uploading a file to the Google Cloud bucket. This field is pre-populated with the filename of the media in Studio and can be changed here when sharing.
Assets To Upload - If the media being shared to Google Cloud has any of these assets, you can check the relevant checkbox to ensure the asset is also uploaded to Google Cloud alongside the media.
Upload Path - This field will be pre-populated with the Default Upload Path that was specified in the form for creating the Google Cloud credential.
This field can be changed to share the media to another location in the Google Cloud bucket. The final destination path for this file will look like this: gs://<bucketName>/abc/xyz/<fileName>

💡 Tip: When Grabyo uploads media and its assets to a Google Cloud bucket we first check if the files with the specified filenames exist. If they do, we version the files to ensure the files that are already in the bucket are not overwritten. If they do not exist, we upload them with the specified filename. Versioned files will contain a version number at the end of the filename.
Example: filename(1).mp4
Every asset that has been uploaded alongside the media will have the same versioned filename.

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